bishou (na) dameeji – microdamage

Here are two examples, one from Japanese and one from English, discussing microdamage accumulation in bones.

From the post “アレンドロネート長期使用が大腿骨骨折に関与?” on the 井蛙内科開業医/診療録 blog:


(In addition to 微小ダメージ微小ダメージ is also used in the same context.)

Compare this to the first sentence of the abstract for the article “Low bone mineral density is associated with bone microdamage accumulation in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis” on the Bone journal site:

Marked suppression of bone turnover by bisphosphonates is associated with increased bone microdamage accumulation in animal models.

(Micro-damage is also used.)

According to “Microcracks in the alveolar bone following orthodontic tooth movement: a morphological and morphometric study” in the European Journal of Orthodontics (vol. 26, no. 5), “Microdamage in bone was first described by Frost (1960) and is the epiphenomenon of fatigue, creep or other accumulative mechanical process that permanently alter the microstructure (Martin, 2003).” According to the Wikipedia article “Microdamage in bone,” one cause of microdamage in bone is the “various loads to which bones are subjected during normal daily activity.”

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